Judson Evans
Postcards from Bob
Photo by Becky Phan on Unsplash
Postcard #5: Niagara Falls, U.S. side, Oct. 6, 1998
Dear Ever-Evolving Stay-at-Homes, Compass-Bearers,
I’m out-pacing you! Ablutions from the continent’s most romantic
hydroelectric turbine. Did you know “lover’s leap”
was a technical term? A topographic outcrop
memorialized by the tragic jump of one or more doomed lovers.
Note that among the assortment of high pressure floatation
devices in lozenge inserts on the face of the card, I’ve placed
an “x” beside my favorites, which, as you might guess,
are the most quixotic. I dreamed of going over, one pillow at my gut,
one at my back, the partially deflated plastic pool and rolls of bubble wrap, the sea horse shower curtain wrapped around that
secured with the belt of your blue bath robe…
But it disturbed me because of how things flow through us…
When you look me in the eyes you see the rock that made the splash not the splash.
white water at the fall's lip I am all sieve
Diving-Bell Bob
I very much enjoyed the creativity, complexity, language-usage and yet sense of the person beneath the words. Glad cho let you include the image on this one.
Ray Rasmussen