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December 2022

In This Issue: 18.3

Michael Dylan Welch paulownia leaf haiga

Haiga by Michael Dylan Welch

Quick LinksArticles & Book Reviews • Encore Articles • Haibun • Tanka Prose • Haiga  From the cho Team

Articles & Book Reviews

Featured Writer: Judson Evans
Book Review: Earthbound by Jenny Ward Angyal
Reviewed by Tish Davis
Book Review: Unsaddled by Lynn Edge
Reviewed by Glenn G. Coats
Book Review: The Inevitable by Dorothy Mahoney
Reviewed by Rich Youmans
Book Review: Genesis by Jonathan McKeown
Reviewed by Kristen Lindquist
Book Review: Part-Time Gods by Peter Newton
Reviewed by Bob Lucky
Book Review: Blessed by Andrew Riutta
Reviewed by John Zheng
Books in Brief: Dust and Rust by Taofeek Ayeyemi, Raised in the World of Everyday Poets by Darlene O’Dell, Another Lost Boat by Glenn G. Coats

Encore Articles

Encore Selections by Ray Rasmussen
Ken Jones on Haibun: An Interview with Jeffrey Woodward


Cynthia Anderson, Conjunctions
Marilyn Ashbaugh, Convent School
Gavin Austin, Resolute
Gavin Austin, Transience
Mary Jo Balistreri, Breakthrough
Mary Jo Balistreri, Promises
Stuart Bartow, Size Matters
Stuart Bartow, Free Will
Roberta Beary, After Long Absence
Mona Bedi, Lost Faith
Daya Bhat, Lacuna
Peggy Hale Bilbro, Now
Marion Boyer, Roused
John Budan, Loyal
Claire Vogel Camargo, Treadmill Reflections
Pris Campbell, Double Dipping
Matthew Caretti, Aloha State of Mind
Matthew Caretti, Amerikan Sojourn as a Rant
Matthew Caretti, Meeting Billy Collins: An Abridged Version
Salil Chaturvedi, Cloud-Fish
Margaret Chula, The Circle Game
Bryan Cook, Cat-pecked
Bryan Cook, Tagged
Tim Cremin, Amor Fati
Tim Cremin, Dada Poem with Jim in It
Cherie Hunter Day, White Pines
Cherie Hunter Day, Winter Bones
Janice Doppler, Interruptions
Margaret Dornaus, Learning Center Café
Rebecca Drouilhet, The Birth of Venus
Martin Duguay, Clear as Day
Pete Dunstone, Portal
Lynn Edge, His Presence
Andrea Eldridge, Lily
Judson Evans, Postcards from Bob
Colleen Farrelly, See You Again
Arvilla Fee, No Strings Attached
Thomas Festa, Ends and Odds
Mark Forrester, Metamorphoses
Susan Beth Furst, Anne’s Lace
Carolina Hospital, Waning Landscape
Jonathan Humphrey, The Boy from Cave City, Kentucky (A Wreath of Sourgrass)
Jonathan Humphrey, Granddaddy Asks for His Banjo on His Deathbed (Wry Smile Redux)
Rick Jackofsky, The Instant Karma of Autoignition
Gary LeBel, Hearing It, I Go Out on the Porch
Kat Lehmann, A Postcard from Ocean City
Kathryn Liebowitz, Beatitude
Kathryn Liebowitz, Shocked
Kristen Lindquist, Not What You Think
Kristen Lindquist, Compensation

Kendall Lott, Desolate
Doris Lynch, Metamorphosis at Midnight
Annette Makino, Prime Vintage
Seretta Martin, Silent Film Theater—Film Noir
Marietta McGregor, No Use Crying
Tyler McIntosh, Reawakening
Jonathan McKeown, Arkadia
Jonathan McKeown, … any other way
Mark Meyer, Hazmat
Terry Miller, Captured Moments
Joanne Morcom, The Truth
Peter Newton, @DragonGirl802
Peter Newton, Bask
Peter Newton, The Way Back
Doug Norris, The Fourth of July
Reka Nyitrai and Alan Peat, Initially lust is intense
Reka Nyitrai and Alan Peat, The order of the white feather girl
Sean O’Connor, Hands
Sean O’Connor, Tango
Lorraine Padden, Tatter’d Weed
Tom Painting, Hidden Desire
Tom Painting, Self-centered
Alan Peat, the lovely April of her prime
Joan Prefontaine, Empiricsm
Joan Prefontaine, Samsara
Kala Ramesh, walking meditation
Bryan Rickert, Family Plot
Andrew Riutta, Despair Again
Andrew Riutta, The Medicine Woman
Michele Root-Bernstein, A Hand-Carved Doe on the Dresser Resting
Michele Root-Bernstein, Galatea
Alexis Rotella, Blackbird Pie
Alexis Rotella, Ice Cold Morning in March
Janet Ruth, oojah
Barbara Sabol, Crossing the Threshold
Adelaide Shaw, . . .and the living is easy
Neena Singh, Rewilding
Joshua St. Claire, Ekphrasis
Tom Staudt, Changing Directions
Margaret Tau, The Fill-up
Evan Vandermeer, Many Partings
Evan Vandermeer, The Unexpected Surprise
Lew Watts, 70o North 
Lew Watts, Jornada del Muerto 
Diana Webb, Some Voyage
Michael Dylan Welch, Hinamatsuri
Michael Dylan Welch, Update
Harriot West, Afterwards
Harriot West, Intoxicating
Laurie Wilcox-Meyer, Immersed
Simon Wilson, Shooting for the Moon

Tanka Prose

Mary Frederick Ahearn, Shall I…
Gavin Austin, Unheld
Peggy Hale Bilbro, Detritus
Michelle Brock, A Recipe for Apple Pie
Gail Brooks, Out Cold
John Budan, Attachment
Anna Cates, October Horror
Margaret Chula, Observance
Amelia Fielden, New York, New York
Richard Grahn, Navigation
Gerry Jacobson, Scene from a Marriage
Gary LeBel, Palms Through a Window
Chen-ou Liu, New Life in the Land of the Maple Leaf
Michael Lester, A Sassafras Flower in the Alfalfa Hay Loft

Jonathan McKeown, The Same River Twice
Pravat Kumar Padhy, In Search of Solace
Alan Peat, A convoy of tanks closing in on a crossword
Alan Peat, Slowly Grown Lean
Bryan Rickert, Great Escapes
Alexis Rotella, Night Stranger
Adelaide B. Shaw, A Slow Walk into the Future
Adelaide B. Shaw, What’s the Score?
Christine Shook, Cape May
Christine Shook, Waiting
Tom Staudt, Old ways
Harriot West, Naucrate’s Tale
Simon Wilson, An Old Haunt
Simon Wilson, Dream of a Distant Frog


Haiga Gallery 18.3
Haiga Showcase: Annette Makino
Haiga Showcase: Pravat Kumar Padhy and Aditri Mishra

From the cho Team

Tish Davis, For Life… (tanka prose)
Terri L. French, Precipice (haibun)
Jim Kacian, every night (haibun)
Ron C. Moss, Life as it is
Rich Youmans, Lessons in Forgetting