Richard L. Matta
I love English and Philosophy, but I’m an engineering major. It’s time for Fluid
Dynamics, but I’m in the swimming pool studying stroke dynamics of the butterfly.
During mechanical engineering class, I’m clutching barbells testing my strength.
Evenings are spent in the Arts & Literature library. I’m distracted from reading
the engineering books by all the ambient sounds. Roaming floor to floor, I diagnose
noise sources, balance off-kilter tables, adjust vent grills, and stuff cardboard
between vibrating pieces. It takes three years for the engineering theory to make
practical sense. Meanwhile, the library is full of interesting books now that I’ve
conquered the noise.
autumn leaves aerodynamics lost in their beauty
About the Author
Richard L. Matta grew up in New York’s Hudson Valley, attended university, practiced forensic science, and now lives in San Diego. Some of his haiku, tanka and haibun are in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Akitsu Quarterly, Bottle Rockets and Presence. His long-form poetry is found in various journals, including Gyroscope, Dewdrop, Ancients Path and Healing Muse.