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Haiga Showcase: Barbara Kaufmann

Commentary by Ron C. Moss, Haiga Editor

Barbara Kaufmann

For this Showcase, Barbara Kaufmann has given us a stunning collection of colourful collages, with wonderful hand calligraphy that dances across the artwork. When I was young, I used to spend hours cutting up my Mother’s magazines and creating collages. Of course, I didn’t know what it was called, but I marvelled at being able to create new visions. I have never lost my love for it, and seeing this collection I marvel in Barbara’s skill as an artist and poet.

Click on any image to begin the showcase.


Barbara Kaufman afternoon breeze haiga

In afternoon breeze, the artwork jumps with a vibrancy of ideas and shapes, drawing us into a world of found things. In the lovely haiku, we can see the poet perhaps represented by a woman at work in a garden. I can see a gingko leaf, which is sacred and known as the tree of life; the addition of this cut-out is not lost on me and brings another layer into the poet’s words. In fact, the artist is speaking with pictures—even beyond the haiku, there are more stories to find.

Barbara Kaufman recycling haiga

Recycling is another majestic collage. It has the feel of winter, but the little bird on a branch gives us hope of spring, that the solitude that sometimes comes from those long, dark nights will end as a new cycle starts.

Barbara Kaufmann garden path haiga

A blast of shape and colour greets us with garden path. I’m blown away by the selection of images and how they all combine to create a composition of true joy. Thoughts of spring indeed; after a long, cold winter we can rejoice with all of nature in rebirth along the winding path.

Barbara Kaufmann the blue marble haiga

The saturation of color in the blue marble creates a powerful impression. In the inset, the artfully chosen shapes and colors match the tone and spaciousness of the blue. I love “playing for keeps”; it takes me back to childhood days, when we played marbles with such focus and passion—traits that, when taken into adulthood, can create lasting good when done in a positive way.

Barbara Explains in Her Own Words:

In the past, my camera has been the source of inspiration for my art and much of my poetry. Recently, I have been drawn to explore collage and mixed media in my work. I especially enjoy recycling all kinds of paper and other objects and incorporating what may be considered trash by some into my art.  It is exciting, at the age of 78, to embark on so many new paths. As I develop new artistic muscles, my poetic voice becomes clearer to me and, I hope, to anyone reading or viewing my work.

About the Artist

Barbara Kaufmann, a native New Yorker, is a retired nurse whose haiku, tanka, haibun and haiga have been published online and in print journals. Her haiga, several of which have won awards, have been shown on the Japanese television show, NHK Haiku Masters. In addition to writing, her hobbies include hiking, gardening, photography and yoga. Her website is wabisabipoet.wordpress.com.

2 thoughts on “<strong>Barbara Kaufmann</strong>, Haiga Showcase”

  1. I love these, Barbara. I began writing tanka and tanka prose just this year and I want to explore haiga using textile mixed media art from natural and upcycled materials. I’ve followed your blog and am looking forward to seeing more of your work.


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