Home » cho 17.1 | Apr. 2021 Table of Contents » John S Green, Idols

John S Green


The bullet buried into its breast. The bird’s body jerked back in slow motion, then slid down into the gutter of my house. I stood with my pellet gun in shock, the jolt as quick as the pigeon’s collapse. Ten years old. My first direct hit, but it did not feel like a victory. Her head poked out from the trench, looking straight down at me.

winter's edge
in the back of a drawer
his war medals

About the Author

John S Green is published in all styles of poetry, including a children’s book, Whimsy Park. John was born in Europe, and lived in Turkey, Italy, and Belgium before moving to the United States at age thirteen. He has a daughter and wife who still laugh at his jokes.

4 thoughts on “<strong>John S Green</strong>, Idols”

  1. yes, medals of win go to the back of the drawer. winter spares nobody. not the medals but memories are what we leave behind. emotional piece! nice.


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