Editor Jim Kacian's Selection from this issue with comments
Guy Shaked, Fortieth Birthday (with comments by Jim Kacian)
CHO Haibun Selections
Francis W. Alexander, The Room
Hortensia Anderson, By Heart
Deb Baker, Triptych Six Months After Your Death
Marjorie A. Buettner, Hunter's Moon
Graham Burchell, Tanganyika
Marcyn Clements, Haibun for Piute Lake
Glenn G. Coats, In the Heat of July
Tish Davis, The Gathering
Jim Fowler, Another Night Without Her
Jeffrey Harpeng, Fig Bird in a Jacaranda
Jeffrey Harpeng, The Belly Button Man
Michele Harvey, Evening Rush
Michele Harvey, The Edge
Karina Klesko, Tuesday Morning
Dennis Magliozzi, End to End
Dennis Magliozzi, Gears
Dennis Magliozzi, Winter Storm
Giselle Maya, Marks on a Leaf
Don Miller, The Current
Martha Morgan, Monument
Genie Nakano, Bloom
Genie Nakano, Koi Murasaki
Genie Nakano, The Golden Fan
Genie Nakano, Tsuru
Peter Newton, Zebra Zen
Kala Ramesh, An Autumn Note
Kala Ramesh, Mango Moon
Ray Rasmussen, Family Tree
Cynthia Rowe, Drought
Cynthia Rowe, Late Again
Adelaide Shaw, Silent Night
Barbara A. Taylor, As If It Does So Just for Me
Beverly Tift, I Shredded Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
Priscilla Van Valkenburgh, September
Priscilla Van Valkenburgh, The Migration
Zinovy Vayman, Haibun for Stephanie
Diana Webb, Fourteen Lines
Theresa Williams, Song for Ryokan
Haibun by the Editors
Ken Jones, Things to See and Do
Jim Kacian, Maybe it's the Meds
Bruce Ross, Bucharest Autumn
* thanks to Garry Eaton for his volunteer help in copy editing this issue.
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