Michael Henry Lee
lost track over the course of a seemingly inexhaustible supply of it. here a little, there a little more
a prodigious accumulation of three-minute eggs over four-minute miles combined with 2,500 episodes of “60 Minutes” plus commercials packed into nine innings over four quarters at the speed of three-fifths of a mile in ten seconds.
overnight the glass half-full has been reduced to just a few slurps of melted milkshake through a red plastic straw.
white noise the battery-powered sweep of the second hand
About the Author
Michael Henry Lee is a Japanese poetry stylist whose internationally published, award-winning haiku and senryu consistently appear in numerous online and print journals. Lee is one of the founding members of both The Ancient City Poets and The Coquina Haiku Circle. He also serves as the Southeast Regional Coordinator for the Haiku Society of America.