Richard L. Matta
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)
We once shared everything: the all-night parties, the risky
surfing in the dark, high speed racing out by the airport
— my fellow wing walker, chasing every drop
of adrenaline we could find. Today, after his first day of
work, he’s changed. A cell phone in his pocket, he tells me,
is cause for firing. Guards with rifles appear if the wrong
door code is entered too many times. A misspoken word
can cause national security risk and cost him his clearance.
So we talk about Idaho streams next summer, mom’s health,
his voice monotone. When I suggest a new adventure, he
changes subjects quickly.
trout fishing the chance of a snag in every cast
About the Author
Richard L. Matta grew up in New York’s Hudson Valley, attended university, practiced forensic science, and now lives in San Diego. Some of his haiku, tanka and haibun are in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Akitsu Quarterly, Bottle Rockets and Presence. His long-form poetry is found in various journals, including Gyroscope, Dewdrop, Ancients Path and Healing Muse.