Home » cho 16:3 | Dec. 2020 Table of Contents » Robert Erlandson, I’m an accident

Robert Erlandson

I’m an accident

You see I’m not supposed to be here.

Sometime in junior high school, I figured out that my parents were a lot older than the parents of all my friends and cousins. This realization played on me and I couldn’t let it go. So, one evening at dinner I blurted out; “Did you want to have me? Was I planned?”

My mother put down her fork, looked at dad, who was putting down his fork and looking at her. Mom stood up and said: “We love you anyway!”

the laughter 
of grandchildren

About the Author

Robert Erlandson has published his haiku, tanka and haiga in HaigaonlineDaily HaigaCattailsRibbons, and Prune Juice. He has also published AWE, a chapbook of poetry and images speaking to the incredible relationships between nature, art, and mathematics. See more on his website, https://www.circlepublications.net/.

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