Peggy Hale Bilbro
Out of the Woods
I trace the deer’s path through my yard. Day lilies—headless. Hostas—bare stems. Azaleas, hydrangeas, sedum, arborvitae, all denuded. I curse as I follow the path of destruction, but at dusk, when the deer and I startle each other in a face to face encounter, I am filled with awe. I wonder what she thinks of this two-legged creature. Does she know I am the one who provides her banquet? It doesn’t matter. She is beauty and I am her servant.
following blackberry moon shadows
About the Author

Peggy Hale Bilbro lives in the southern United States with her husband and a house full of green babies. She writes long poetry as well as haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, and other short form verse on any topic that floats into her mind or across her path.
As one who has had his garden pruned many times by deer, I appreciated your perspective. Beautifully written.
Very beautiful