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October 2018, vol 14 no 3

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Dan Hardison

The Notebook

It is interesting what may be found after someone passes away. My Mother loved gospel music, so it was no surprise to find a copy of “Revival Songs” among her personal things along with her Bible. But it was curious to also find a black three-ring notebook with pages of handwritten notes from a 12th grade public school American History class of 1950.

spring bud
breaking into bloom . . .
lost and found

Among the stated objectives of the class was to be better American and world citizens; promote love of home and church; to train hands to be busy, heads to be clear, and hearts to be warm; to know the past, to understand the present, and to judge the future more accurately. There were quotations from historical and literary figures, excerpts from poems, and verses from the Bible. The class was on American History, but its purpose was on strength of character.

golden faces
following the sun . . .
