< Contemporary Haibun Online: An Edited Journal of Haibun (Prose with Haiku & Tanka Poetry)


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July 2013, vol 9, no 2

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Pat Tompkins

A Reader

She still reads the newspaper every day. She reads the travel section, although she last took a vacation 15 years ago. She reads the business stories, but she has no money to invest. "Prime Interest Rate Rises." She reads the recipes, even though she doesn't cook. She reads the reviews of movies she will not see. She reads the weather forecasts, although she stays indoors. "Hurricane Heads for Florida." She reads the sports pages, but doesn't follow any particular teams. "Drug Use Investigated." She reads the wedding nnouncements, although she's never been engaged. She reads the editorials and letters, yet she's unaffiliated with any party or cause. "Senate Defeats Bill". She reads the want ads, although she's retired. She reads the front page because it declares what's important. "Suicide Bombing Kills Six." And she reads the obituaries because she won't have one.

her favorite book
One Thousand and One Nights
another story
