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March 2009, vol 5 no 1

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Bruce Ross

Paul Klee

An incidental part of our trip to Switzerland was a visit to the Paul Klee Museum in Berne. I've been fascinated for a long time with his magical abstractions and haunting color combinations, the delicate patterning and shading of an imaginary Egyptian pyramid or the cartoon-like hunter-gatherer stick figures based on a fanciful petroglyph scene. When I studied him in detail I was struck by his haunting self-portraits.

train tunnel
I study the reflection
of my face

I was disappointed with the Berne museum because its rotating exhibit featured Klee's floral themes with very few of the images that delighted me. However, earlier in another city in a small museum of modern Swiss art in a corner of an upper floor back room were three faded watercolors of Klee.

early Klee drawing
around the chiaroscuro lake
simple pines

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