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October 2019, vol 15 no 3

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Rafał Zabratyński

Boléro of Life

i wake up
she feed me
i take a nap
he change a nappy
i cry
she feed me
i sleep

I wake up in the morning.
I eat breakfast.
I go to school.
I eat lunch.
I learn.
I eat supper.
I sleep.

I’m woken up in the morning.
I eat breakfast.
I go to school to meet my friends.
I eat lunch.
I try to learn.
I eat supper.
I sleep.

I’m woken up in the morning.
I eat breakfast.
I play truant with her.
We eat lunch.
We pretend to learn.
I eat supper.
I can’t sleep.

I get up in the morning.
I eat breakfast.
I go to lectures.
I eat lunch.
I study hard.
I eat supper.
I party until late at night.

I’m late.
I skip breakfast.
I go to work.
I eat brunch.
I work even more at home.
I eat supper.
I sleep.

An alarm clock does the job.
I eat breakfast.
I go to work.
I eat lunch.
I meet her.
We talk a lot.
We don’t sleep at all.

She wakes up in the morning.
She feeds her.
She takes a nap.
I change a nappy.
She cries.
She feeds her.
She sleeps.

I wake up in the morning.
I eat breakfast.
She brings my grandson.
We eat lunch.
He sends our selfie to the cloud.
I eat supper.
I sleep.

I barely sleep.
im notrealy hungry>
some one comse tovisit?
they talkinso quiet
dont remebre

her fingertip
along my life line
and back


Note: The idea for the haibun appeared while listening to the musical composition Boléro by Maurice Ravel.
