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October 2018, vol 14 no 3

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Marietta McGregor

Wind Horses

The piebald horse head sits on a bookshelf, a nick out of his left ear. Since I pummeled damp clay into his rough shape I’ve flown to many places. My wind spirit waits at home while I travel.

He knows when I admire St Mark’s bronze quadriga, watch snow-white Camarguaise mares nudging black foals, see brumbies through mist over a Kakadu swamp, glimpse distant mustangs in red rock country, applaud a dancing Lippizaner, and breathe dung-sweet air at the Museum of the Living Horse in Chantilly.

When I see an image of a high-bred stallion, neck arched, nostrils flaring, I see one of Earth’s great sights. Horses in flat-out gallop have me in tears. I know why they're sacred spirits, talismans.

between earth and sky
the curve of a pony's neck
bridging the hills
