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October 2018, vol 14 no 3

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Matthew Caretti,

Under the Silk Scarf
for B

A sudden deluge forces us from the well-worn path. Into the grove. We take refuge in a cluster of macadamias. Construct an impromptu umbrella. Laugh at the very wetness of our lives.

first kiss
how the rainbow connects
here and there

In a gaze, she teaches me about the universe. The half moon of her smile. The ethereal nebulae of her eyes. The sudden furrows of wonder rippling her forehead, bending gently time and space. Ever expanding into the newness she knows best.

spring blossoms
whiteness of
the windblown egret

When the shower subsides, she reminds me of the seasons. That rain is a blessing. That we have known each other for many lifetimes. A love that has been, is and will be. This time she found me asleep under the Bodhi tree. Kissed me awake to remind me of this.

at both ends
of the day

Note: The last haiku was first published in The Heron’s Nest XX.1
