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April 2016, vol 12 no 1

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J. Zimmerman

Questions to my Twin about Graffiti

Is "NO" the word most often scratched off a State Park trail sign?

Were you just bitten on your forehead by a mosquito? Shall I check you for ticks?

Do you walk here from dawn to dusk to avoid housework? Or do you hike all day so you can eat a blueberry pie with ice-cream on the way home?

Is there a reason you're carrying white paint in a small plastic bottle? And a child's paintbrush?

Is it hotter on this chalk-white trail casting the sun's glare back at us than it would be if blacktop were softening underfoot?

If your legs ache for four or five days afterwards, why do you repeatedly hike these seventeen miles of ravines, slippery waterfalls, and improvised creek crossings?

Isn't 30-degrees-C a little too warm? What's that in Fahrenheit?

Would the total time of the hike decrease if we sat down to snack and you looked at my digital photo album of God's Pocket? Wouldn't that rejuvenate us?

though it's vandalism
to remove it, is it graffiti
to paint it back?
