Call for Published Ekphrastic Haibun & Tanka Prose
Ekphrasis in poetry is the practice of basing a poem on artwork by someone other than the writer. The artwork might be a painting, sculpture or photograph (as examples). While ekphrasis in poetry has a long and reputable history, haibun and tanka prose ekphrasis appears only infrequently in our journals.
I would like to receive copies of already published ekphrastic haibun for consideration of inclusion in a website and for the possible production of a chapbook on the subject. I also plan to base an essay on ekphrastic haibun featuring those I've found in our journals and those I receive as submissions. I'm looking for variation in the practice from a number of different writers.
To get the flavor of what I'm planning for an expanded article on ekphrastic haibun, you may wish to read these commentaries:
If you are kind enough to send your published ekphrastic haibun to me, please send as email word attachments with the subject line: Ekphrastic Haibun Submission + Your Name. Or if your piece appeared in an online journal, you can simply include the URL which I will use to produce a copy.
For purposes of this project, it is okay to revise your publiished haibun, but if you do so, please attach a not indicating that it has been revised. e.g. Revision of a haibun published in XYZ Journal 2:3 Month, Year.
If you have a large number of ekphrastic pieces, please submit no more than five with as much variation as possible.
Please include full citation details with your submission:
- Your Name:
- Title of Ekphrasis:
- First place of publication: journal name, vol, no, date (& page number if from a print publication).
- A simple statement saying that you agree to have your work published fully or in part online and in print form and in an essay on the subject.
I will consider each submission for inclusion, but not automatically include a submission for publication.
If you submit your work, I will consider this as a statement that I have the right to reproduce it fully or in part on a website, include it in an essay, and print it in a chapbook.
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