< Contemporary Haibun Online: An Edited Journal of Haibun (Prose with Haiku & Tanka Poetry)


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April 2014, vol 10, no 1

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Els van Leeuwen

Primary Colours

Old fig trees and sandstone walls . . . smells in the sun-dappled laneways . . . jacaranda blossoms rotting on the footpath . . . feet black from free-ranging local streets ‘til dinnertime . . . the dog’s head stuck in the gate again . . . mum’s abstract smile, her mind on her art . . . the local kids gathering half way up the street at dusk . . . the swings to myself . . . long rain walks . . . bedtime songs about the moon . . . the tooth fairy’s path across my scattered toys . . . her purple dress . . . the pregnant cat . . . the-whole-house-is-a-spaceship . . . the gum trees . . . stars.

all her paintings
racked up
dust in sunlight
