< Contemporary Haibun Online: An Edited Journal of Haibun (Prose with Haiku & Tanka Poetry)


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January 2014, vol 9, no 4

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Dan Hardison

Winter Walk

It is bitter cold today yet the dog stands at the door, tail wagging, and with an eager look. It is time for his daily walk. Rather than disappoint, I begin to bundle up. After donning boots, heavy coat, scarf, wooly hat, and gloves, I turn to see the cat lazily step onto her bed and curl into a contented ball. Reluctantly, I step into the frigid air for the walk. We return later with me frozen and the dog prancing happily. After the process of discarding my winter garb, I notice the cat still curled on her bed, turned slightly now on her side, and a grin on her face.

daylong rain
stretching into night . . .
restless dog
