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October 2013, vol 8, no 3

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Ted van Zutphen

Suddenly Personal
(dedicated to Svetlana Marisova)

the softness
of baby skin . . .

As I sit in the hospital room, I look down upon this precious bundle in my lap, my new grand daughter, so peacefully sleeping into this new life and so totally present in every moment. But contained in this miracle I feel the hopes and dreams of my daughter and her husband, the heartaches and the happiness, the worries and the fulfillment, the battles and the victories, the nightmares and the comfort, the pride, the mystery, the love... yes, always the love, unconditional love.

ancient trail
into the canyon . . .
new moon

I think of the mother, who, many moons ago, cradled her newborn daughter and held those same hopes and dreams for her, now struggling and facing the biggest challenge this life offers us. Hope turned into hopelessness, dreams turned into nightmares, smiles turned to tears, but still the love… boundless love.

summer rain -
only half of me . . .

Later I step into the darkness from my daughter's house and walk along the path to my mobile home. I lift my head to the heavens… a haloed moon stares back at me and I hear the surges of crickets shifting from tree to tree. My breath continues… "Be still, and know that I am God"

newborn star . . .
dried up tears falling
in my lap

This haibun was previously published in the book Be Still and Know by Svetlana Marisova and Ted van Zutphen.
