< Contemporary Haibun Online: An Edited Journal of Haibun (Prose with Haiku & Tanka Poetry)


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October 2013, vol 8, no 3

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M.A. Dawson

Unsettled Waters

'Kids, who in their right minds would have them?'

She had six.

'They drain the blood from your veins.'

She was a cold woman.

'Just like their fathers, whoever they are.'

There were so many men to chose from, some whose names she never knew.

'You work all your life to give them the best, then they go off and leave you.'

Two were in prison, two were in care and the other two were not even reported missing.

'All my mother's fault.' She said on her deathbed.

casualties of war –
throwing pebbles in the sea
as the sun goes down
