< Contemporary Haibun Online: An Edited Journal of Haibun (Prose with Haiku & Tanka Poetry)


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Contents Page: Oct 1, 2011, vol 7 no 3

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Peter Newton

The Goal

he tells me his eyes locked on the online game what he carries half the day holding a portable mini-screen a portal into which he falls willingly pouring untold hours of discovery the goal he says is to reach the hardest part the highest level which is like the 92nd floor or something like that he says the goal is to fight everything off that's trying to kill you just with whatever you find lying around you have no weapons the goal is to have no weapons – no, he says that's just what happens that's how the game makers make it harder so no one can really win because everything can kill you in the end and you have nothing but these buttons you have to keep pushing or else you will quickly cease to exist oh I say I see

4th of July –
how to celebrate

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