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June 2008, vol 4 no 2

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Bruce Ross

Grand Manan

Deep fog and haze cover Grand Manan turning the high overlooks of Southwest Head into early Chinese landscapes with the rugged outcroppings emerging from the fog and below the hint of sea and intertidal rocks and sand. The damp coldness of it all in our faces. The fog drifts over the trail and on an old fallen spruce pale green lichen and old man's beard. At Great Pond the birds are not disturbed by our presence, the visible warblers singing to each other above our heads. A blue-winged teal and her babies fade in and out. On a bleached dead tree the still kingfisher another piece of darkened old man's beard. Overnight rain at the inn has turned orange the yellow lichen on an ornamental rock. The weather has cleared on the ferry back to the mainland.

endless small waves
at the end of each island
a fishing weir

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