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March 2008, vol 4 no 1

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Tom Cunliffe


The track east of Caer Caradoc, beside the pines. Foxes entered it last night. There shouldn't be any smell,  just use your scarf. Leave the kids  in the truck. Reverse up within six feet, unhook the wire and drop it down. You'll  need to loop it under the shoulders so pull the head and negotiate it back on  itself, behind the front legs until it comes up on all fours. It might snort but it's only gases. Don't rush or you'll pull it's head off. Slowly ease the motor in reverse until it hangs clear. I'm not sure what's underneath so take the plastic  bags. Don't worry the birds will clear up. If a lamb follows give it to the  kids to hold.

crows perch around her head
pecking at her eyes