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September 2007, vol 3 no 3

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Jeffrey Winke

Orange Don't-Walk Hand

Anticipating an ice storm, we wait in this coffee shop. Plate glass windows will protect us from the impending pelting. The orange DON'T-WALK hand on the corner traffic light will keep the winds under control (god only knows what will happen when it changes to the walking guy). The man with the gentle voice a table away will jump up - if need be - to bar the door from unwanted intruders when the worse begins. I'll hand him chairs and tables to block entry. The woman with the irritating squeaky voice will be tossed outside before we block the door. Someone will smash her cell phone to end her mindless prattle to the comatose "sympathetic ear" on the other end. We'll all cheer when her face gets squashed against the glass door as the eager throngs rush to get into our secure oasis from the storm. We'll be locked inside, dancing, laughing and eating every Rice Crispy bar down to the last crumb.

caring eyes break contact
to signal the guard