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All Deadlines Come
Rushing Forth
There is a tension and
sense of urgency that comes with the late afternoon. It permeates the air
and is evident
in the nervous actions of those out and
about. The light shifts at around 4pm. Colors change ever so slightly. In the
late afternoon, it's as though all deadlines come rushing forth, followed by
that empty sense of having missed out. It could be caused by the nearing of
the end of day - actually, the end of daylight. Maybe it causes a quick review
of what has been accomplished. Did I get everything done? What didn't I complete?
Even if the To Do list for the day was: "Do nothing - relax, regroup and
recharge." There is still a sense of failure and self-doubt - "did
I truly relax as much as I should have?"
cool cement step
sparrows scatter breadcrumbs
as I step up