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March 2007, vol 3 no 1

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Louis Pare

Old Is New

My great grandson and I often go walking. As we start our walk everything appears new as he touches the rocks, taste them and then throws them to see if they bounce or land in the puddle. He splashes in each and every puddle along the way. Often he will pick up a crabapple that has been laying on the ground and pop it into his mouth. I have to get to him quickly to get him to spit it out so he doesn't get sick.

He has no visible limits to what he claims as his and what he can do with all the treasures he finds—it opens the neighborhood in so many directions that are not apparent to me.

Sometimes we take the stroller and I hear him "talk" as he sees everything—the trees, leaves, more rocks, cars, trucks, and time to explore. He hears the birds sing—points to the trees where they nest or to telephone wires where they perch—the walk is exciting and fun with my great grandson.

in the neighborhood
with new eyes.