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September 2006, vol 2 no 3

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Francis Alexander


Tonight at 11:30 Cedar Point is showing the movie "Fantastic Four" and giving away their award winning four dollar fries to employees in appreciation for our work. I walk down the steps to the employee room past youngsters lying on couches and chairs watching game six of the NBA finals. Moving through the swinging doors of the Cedars Men's Dorms I see employees sitting on benches waiting for the bus to take them back to Commons Dorms.

summer night
insects fluttering
around the lamps

After a lengthy journey I step through the checkpoint where the movie is to be shown, display my ID, and walk to the French fry line. I get my huge juicy fries along with a Pepsi and walk towards the huge outdoor screen. Near the amusement park's waste can, I sit on the concrete and watch the movie. I glance up at the sky but cannot discern one star from another. The park has been closed for a little over one hour but there is a roar several yards away.

Midnight –
the Wicked Twister coaster
shooting at the stars

I observe couples laying on blankets in loving embrace. On the screen the Thing clops towards his goal. I am entertained by the metamorphosis of humans into super heroes and villains.

moonlit night
a spider's web forming a net
in my hair