Contemporary Haibun Online

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December 2005, vol 1 no 3

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Ed Higgins

The Letter

You know how it is, one day a good friend sends you this long or short distant note of sorts telling you how-the-hell they are or aren’t getting along in the frigging world and you realize someone’s sent you something quite lovely or maybe lonely or likely both about how what’s not been divulged or actually related and isn’t even the point anyway but rather asking how much you’re paying enough attention to just listen out there wherever you are at that moment. And suddenly you’re writing back to her, oh yes it’s her in this case, about something or other too, ok something certainly, and while all the while you’re still listening and writing into those same empty spaces you’ve been proffered trying again for the same kind of attention I’ve just now been trying to tell you about.

risked words
as cupped lightly
from the lake’s edge


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