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Archive: American Haibun & Haiga Volume 3

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Marlene Mountain

Hit smells right

good. You say hit cost you twelve? Law I remember when you could get you 2 gallons for that much. Shake that up. Looky there at that bead. Hit sure makes a good one. See how long hit stays? Now that there used to be a sure sign hit was made good, but I tell you a honest fact you can’t tell no more. There’s a whole lot of them what puts them a bit of Clorox in hit. Now I tell you, boys, that stuff will make you a right smart bead too. But law that there is pretty as a necklace.

the moonshine:
the beads a necklace from my throat
to my stomach

You say you got this here on the hill above the swimming pool? You know I won’t say nothing. Fact is that’s where my daddy gets his’n. He usually goes of a evening and just gets him a quart. Then if he thinks hit’s a good run, he’ll go back of a morning and get him a gallon. He’s been buying there for years. Now I hope you ain’t been getting none from Fairview. They’s mean over there. They all make theirs in radiators and I’ll tell you sis that there stuff’ll kill you. Myself I like that there Scotch.

mixing moonlight
and moonshine together
      and the screech of a guinea

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