Neena Singh
Fading Signals
Today with a power surge, the TV became out of order. We sit facing each other, not a screen. Conversation lingers, our voices no longer competing with canned laughter, ads, or breaking news. The day stretches like a forgotten book, filled with the slow unfolding of time.
Instead of soaps and shows, we look out of the window to watch trees sway in the wind, neighbors walk their dogs, and children going to school with heavy bags hanging from their shoulders.
Without the constant flicker of the screen and battle for the remote, we embrace quiet companionship with the gentle dance of the moon behind the evergreen.
winter night
the meteor shower
lights our path
About the Author
Neena Singh lives in Chandigarh, India. Her haiku, senryu, tanka, and haibun have appeared in online and print journals. Former banker, she now runs a non-profit for underprivileged children. She enjoys exploring gardens and has authored two books of poetry.