Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » Suraja Roychowdhury: Advice or Opinion

Advice or Opinion

Stuck inside on a rainy day I browse idly through the internet on my phone.

A home decor throwback to the ’90s sniffs the article about the latest do’s and don’ts in interior decoration. “If you have a fake ficus then we suggest you put it out on the curb for the trashman.” My eyes rest lovingly on said offensive object sitting unobtrusively in the corner. Never needing any watering, never shedding leaves, never getting any sticky resin from noxious pests … just one of those very few things in life that brings joy even now, 25 years later.

But wait … a thin layer of dust has dulled its lustrous splendor. In a lightning flash of inspiration (or perhaps it was a real flash of lightning) I take the plant and set it out on the deck to get a thorough wash in the rain.

who's to say
what is real
and what isn't...
in my overgrown garden
clematis blooms on the rose

About the Author

Suraja Roychowdhury is originally from India, now living in Lexington, Massachusetts. She is a Chinese Medicine practitioner who loves writing haiku, tanka, haibun, haiga, and other Oriental poetic forms.

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