Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » Richa Sharma, Kismet


Toad: That afternoon, I was seated by her behind a hidden mushroom in her garden. Since then, I’ve become a part of her habit of crying alone while croaking at night. 

Cockroach: At times, I dare to run towards a human being. That’s how the day causes me to be eccentric.

mother's dutiful face
beneath the orange blossoms . . .
I too consider
becoming an ideal wife
on our small piece of land

About the Author

Richa Sharma resides in Delhi NCR, India. Apart from her keen interest in academics, she loves the world of art and literature. Since 2019, her work has appeared in numerous online and print journals and anthologies dedicated to Japanese short-form poetry. She is an avid nature lover and a dreamer.

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