Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » Lorraine Haig: Sisters


We were never as close as we should have been. Hurt in my brown eyes, your hazel eyes gloating.

let’s forget
the anger between us
two girls riding a wave
and the freedom of summer

I dream of our bedroom with the quince tree outside, its leaves rattling in the wind.

let an open window
gather the sounds of night
spread them over us
like silk sheets and hide
the ghosts of our childhood

We drifted further apart. Your friends with their motorbikes. Me, on a bus to freedom.

if we could
repair the gaping chasm
might we meet
in the middle and fall
into each other’s arms

Wherever you are, look up to the river of stars. The first wash of light, Venus rising.

shall we lie
among the sweet scent
of clover
sun on our faces
clouds shapeshifting

About the Author

Lorraine Haig’s haiku, tanka, haibun, and rengay have appeared in journals worldwide. She has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts. Curving into Light, her first haiku collection, was published by Forty South in 2023. 

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