Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » David Chandler: Under the Rainbow

Under the Rainbow

the parking lot    of a cheap motel   an hour after rain and before dark

four young men of different colors   throwing a football   in a high arc 

catching it on the run

for a while   I join them   throwing not so high   fumbling catches

Thanks for humoring an old man . . .

Oh Sir, I only hope that when . . .

a sweet girl sings
the impossible wish
while in the real
we pass on
the body’s joy

About the Author

David Chandler

For years Dave Chandler has enjoyed reading poetry based on Japanese models. Since his recent retirement from managing social service and economic development programs, he has made writing poetry an avocation. His writing travels with him and his wife, Mary, between the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago and the Driftless region of Wisconsin.

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