Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Shloka Shankar: Triumph


“Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.”—Jenny Xie

My prayer as proof,
I follow the light on cue:

the trees, the wheel.

Take away fear
so parched—
my ancestry

is its own reward.

    across the dotted line 99 seconds to anything else

About the Author

Shloka Shankar

Shloka Shankar is a poet and visual artist from Bangalore, India. A Best of the Net nominee and award-winning haiku poet, Shloka is the founding editor of Sonic Boom and its imprint, Yavanika Press. Her debut haiku collection, The Field of Why, was shortlisted for the Touchstone Distinguished Book Awards 2022. 

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