Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Sandip Chauhan: Kinked Yarn

Kinked Yarn

In the clothing store aisle, a machine-made cotton shirt hanging before me instantly piques my curiosity. As I run my fingers over the fabric, its texture feels familiar and comforting. The words “Made in India” stand out on the tag, reminding me of Gandhi’s advocacy for simple khadi clothing, a symbol of unity and accessibility.
As I glance at the price tag, my heart sinks. The numbers seem too high for an item that embodies our legacy. With a sigh, I return the garment to its place on the rack, the weight of the hefty price tag lingering in my thoughts.

frost bites
a spinster's thread

About the Author

Born into a literary family in Punjab, India, Sandip Chauhan currently resides in Northern Virginia, USA, where she pursues a career as a bank regulator in the federal government. She holds a PhD in Punjabi Literature, has edited three haiku anthologies, and authored a collection of haiku poetry, Sprouting Grass. She also writes poetry in her mother tongue, Punjabi.

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