Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Richard Grahn: what do you want for your birthday?

what do you want for your birthday?

it’s an age-old question, which i fail to answer correctly every time i’m asked, but i’ve finally got you an answer. it’s the simplest of wants. i truly don’t care for being cornered into wanting, nonetheless, given the obligation, here’s my wish…

i would like a grain of sand, a single grain of sand, the simplest grain of sand you can find. and i only want it for a day. then you can put it back—exactly where you found it.

midas touched. . .
just enough room in his pack
for a pillow

About the Author

Richard Grahn

Richard Grahn spends his retired days and/or nights creating art, music, and poetry and tending to the needs of two journals, Drifting Sands Haibun and The Abstractaphy Initiative.  He’s on the waiting list for a prehensile tail.

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