Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » John Zheng: Eyescape


After Eudora Welty’s photograph “Wild flowers

She reminisces by the window with a photo book on her lap. A sweet moment from many years ago flashes before her eyes: Four girls back from flower picking hopping on a dirt path. They are singing like robins. When seeing the photographer, they look amazed at the camera. In one click, the snapshot catches the big girl holding up a bunch of wildflowers while three younger ones look up with their eyes blooming sunshine.

window twilight
the vast expanse
of red lupines

About the Author

John Zheng

John Zheng has authored Enforced Rustication in the Chinese Cultural Revolution and published haibun and tanka prose in cho, Haibun Today, Southern Quarterly, and Spillway. His latest book is A Way of Looking, a collection of haibun and tanka prose.

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