Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Joanna Ashwell: Mysteries


Sometimes our need to know outweighs reason. The unexplained can enhance our day or ruin it. The nut feeder has gone from the garden. Crows have been sighted before attempting to carry it away. Often it turns up amongst the roses, nuts spilled all over the soil and grass. Are crows clever enough to bring it back tomorrow for a refill? 

snow geese
returning each year
from another shore

About the Author

Joanna Ashwell

Joanna Ashwell is a writer in North-East England. Her books include Between Moonlight (haiku, Hub Editions, 2006), Every Star (tanka, 2023, Kindle DIrect Publishing), and two cherita collections, River Lanternsand Moonset Song (both available through Amazon). She has won The British Haiku Society Award, among other honors, and is on the selection team for the Canadian tanka journal Gusts.

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