Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Ellen Lord: Yearn


Lilacs glow in afternoon light—
insisting their scent into the air. I want to shine
like that, all succulence and sass. I slide on silence
into long, empty hours—try to live with who I am
and not what I thought I wanted. How I yearn
to be “freeze-framed”—all peak and profound.

awake beyond midnight

I remember catching fireflies as a kid, how they faded
in a mason jar with their last spark of lust—
The moon on those summer nights
followed me everywhere.

falling in love. . .

Years later, I have forgotten so much—
like how home never leaves us and why
we try so hard to get back there.

the cadence of rain

About the Author

Ellen Lord is a Northern Michigan native.  Her writing has appeared in   Bear River Writers Review, Dunes Review, Walloon Writers Review,  U.P. Reader, HSA/Frogpond, and elsewhere. She is a behavioral health therapist, specializing in addiction and trauma.  She resides in Charlevoix County and Trout Creek, Michigan.  Her chapbook, Relative Sanity (2023), is available at ellenlordauthor.com

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