Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Edward Dewar: Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes

I know I’m not alone. I always felt sorry for your second cousin. I wish he could’ve
caught and barbecued that arrogant Saturday morning road runner. I never liked that
bird’s smug attitude and retro hairdo. But yesterday you tried to lure the family dog
into the underbrush. No doubt it was a trap. Since the end of November you have taken
refuge in a pile of leaves under the deck in my elderly neighbour’s backyard. I get that
it’s warm and offers protection from the snow. But that’s not going to stop me from
throwing sticks at you.

a chance meeting
his missing eyebrow
one many coyote

About the Author

Edward Dewar is retired and working his way to a better understanding of Japanese poetry. His haibun and haiku have appeared in Drifting Sands Haibun, Haiku Canada Review, bottle rockets, Frogpond, Presence, and others.

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