Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Cynthia Anderson: From Earth to Heaven

From Earth to Heaven

This old-time spa in the foothills remains the stuff of legend. We visit in the off-season, meadows gone brown, the forest leafless. Across a swath of open land, paths wind uphill to shallow pools filled by warm mineral springs—just deep enough to immerse ourselves while gazing down the slope, waiting for the oracle trees to wake up. At last, as we watch, a behemoth stirs—prone and skeletal, but in the next instant, rearing to full height like a wild animal, leaving us breathless as it towers in the breeze.

a carved prayer rock says

About the Author

Cynthia Anderson

Cynthia Anderson has published 13 poetry collections, most recently The Far Mountain (Wise Owl Publications, 2024) and Arrival (Sheila-Na-Gig Editions, 2023). She has lived in California for over 40 years. See more of her work at  www.cynthiaandersonpoet.com.

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