Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Claire Thom: Changeable Weather

Changeable Weather

We left reasonably early to make the most of the day. Driving over the bridge out of the city, the ocean behind us and the sun slowly rising, we chatted about yet another working week just finished. As we got onto the motorway then the B road winding up to the mountains, we settled into a comfortable silence. An hour or so later, I pulled into the grassy parking area, and we stretched our limbs, put on our rucksacks and headed along the path. It was early Spring, and the temperature was perfect for a hike. As our boots found their rhythm, conversation turned to our respective partners—the usual complaints, grumbles and giggles. We reached the peak, found a clearing amongst the pines and took out our sandwiches and fruit, no chocolate as we were both on a diet and fighting off the mid-40s spread we had read about in one of those “Could you be perimenopausal?” articles. On our descent, we laughed about our plans for the evening, both agreeing a warm bath, early night with a good book and cuppa sounded ideal. How times had changed.

thick fog again
Monday morning walk
to the doctor's

About the Author

Claire Thom

Claire Thom, a Scottish poet based in the south of Spain, is the founder and EIC of The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press and host and producer of The Wee Sparrow Poetry Podcast. Long-listed for the Erbacce Poetry Prize in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. she has been widely published and is a Kyoto Haiku Project ambassador.

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