Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Anju Kishore: Brim


the trembling tip of a fallen palash
underfoot the crunch of its leaf
at midnight the split end of a monsoon sky
grating a breeze the barbed fence
along the wall a patch of stilled bougainvillea
still damp with thirst the murmur of earth

all the ways
a heart breaks

Note: Matsukaze (wind in the pines) is a Japanese word that conjures a sense of solitude and melancholy. It is the title of a popular Noh play.

About the Author

Anju Kishore

Formerly a finance professional, Anju Kishore is a Pushcart Prize nominee, a published poet, and an award-winning editor of numerous free-verse anthologies. Her book of poems inspired by the Syrian civil war, …and I Stop to Listen (AuthorsPress, 2018), was well received. Her poems are part of many anthologies and journals.

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