Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Andrew Riutta: The Opposite of “Resting on Your Laurels” Is…

The Opposite of “Resting on Your Laurels” Is Sleeping All Night with Your Dead Dog

She said she never knew that rigor mortis, after quite a few hours, loosens its grip. Relaxes some. Maybe takes a long smoke break. And why not? After all, job accomplished … But not really. 

on an old comforter
turned into a floor mattress,
my softest mother

About the Author

Andrea Riutta

Andrew Riutta was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. His latest book, Blessed: Modern Haibun on Almost Every Despair (Red Moon Press, 2022) was shortlisted for the Touchstone Distinguished Book Award and won the HSA Merit Book Award for best haibun collection. Currently, he lives in Gaylord and is a Catholic school custodian.

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