Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » From the cho Team 20.2 » Tish Davis: On a sun-bleached boulder…

On a sun-bleached boulder…


          the impossible
where forest meets the stream

an unfastened bra cupping the water
just enough light for the reflection

          my grandson
the weaker twin
alive and nursing...
          forever spring

About the Author

Tish Davis

Tish Davis lives in Northern Ohio. Her tanka and related forms have appeared in numerous online and print publications. When she isn’t busy with work and grandchildren she enjoys exploring the local parks with her husband and three dogs.

1 thought on “Tish Davis: On a sun-bleached boulder…”

  1. I first discovered Haibun about 3 year ago, seen a few examples on line then it seemed to slip out of my mind, somehow today I have come across these postings, absolutely wonderful, must have more !!!


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