Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » From the cho Team 20.2 » Jim Kacian: Influencer


My new hobby is making art out of the junk I find on my daily walk. From alongside roadways and rivers I cull the metal and plastic trash that’s settled there, take it home, clean it up, and then assemble it into plausible-looking arrangements. They don’t actually do anything, but they look kinda cool and nothing like anybody else’s stuff. I list them on the internet and people buy ’em faster than I can make ’em. Which has gotten me thinking big — maybe a whole gallery of my contraptions. That would really sell!

slipping into
the circle i’ve just drawn—
the universe

About the Author

Jim Kacian

Jim Kacian is founder and president of The Haiku Foundation as well as chairman of its board; founder and owner of Red Moon Press; and editor in chief of Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years (W. W. Norton, 2013).

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