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Remembering Stuart Bartow

Selected Haibun & Books by Stuart Bartow

Below are a few links to some of the haibun Stuart published previously in cho, but first, the final haibun in his collection Invisible Dictionary.

True North

Before we understood earth as a sphere
some believed our world an irregular plane
with edges, or infinite,
the realm farthest north, Thule.
Imagine we are traveling there, each year
wandering closer, vaguely aware
that we’re near a possible destiny. Even now,
with a spacecraft’s photos of two
misshapen potatoes past Pluto,
we sense the real Ultima Thule
cannot be reached by craft or ship.
Once we arrive beyond its borders
there will be stars unseen, wind
symphonic, lights inside the mountains.

wind whistling inside the dark shed
what I came for

More Haibun

21 Grams AuguriesFree Will

Size MattersSong

Books of Haiku & Haibun

Quaking Marsh, Red Moon Press, 2018
one branch, Red Moon Press, 2019
Invisible Dictionaries, Red Moon Press, 2022, 2024
full moon radio, Red Moon Press, 2023

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